
Breeding and Showing Guppies

Guppy Gallery - AOC (Any Other Color)

The AOC color class covers all color types that do not fit in any of the other color IFGA delta color classes.

guppy aoc white platinum

White platinum type. This fish would be entered in the AOC class.

Guppy AOC white platinnum

White platinum type. HB ( NiI) is present but overlay of irids does nt qualify as HB type. This fish would be entered in the AOC class.

White platinum type. This fish would be entered in the AOC Tank class since it is matching males.

aoc pastel guppy
Genetic blonde pastel. The flash brought out the tail's base color, but is more muted on the show bench, not enabling it to be entered in the AOC BiColor class. This fish would be enter in the AOC class.












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