
Breeding and Showing Guppies


This website informs guppy hobbyist on how to breed and show guppies.

Green Show GuppyYoutube guppy channelmulticolor guppy











About This Website

Being a guppy breeder who has developed IFGA show guppies that have won multiple color classes and best of shows (BOS) I have a goal to make this website able to provide information to help fellow breeders who are serious fancy guppy breeders. The information here is based on breeding and exhibiting guppies to the IFGA (International Fancy Guppy Association) show standards. The Gallery section is filled with guppy pictures to illustrate the diversity of color types that exist. The articles come from me and other successful hobbyist that are based on personal experience in the hopes to help the hobbyist be successful in guppy breeding and exhibiting.

Book: Breeding Show Guppies - Available on Amazon

I have authored a book that explains my methods to develop and breed show winning guppies.

Breeding Show guppies book

Genetics for Guppies - Available on Amazon

I have authored a book that defines genetic terms and how to use genetic concepts for breeding guppies.

Guppy Genetics book

Book: Healthy Freshwater Aquarium & Fish - Available on Amazon

I have authored a book that explains how to have a healthy aquarium to help fish live well.

Book, Healthy aquarium fish

Available for Presentations

Find more details here.

Presentation guppy


Copyright and Disclamer

All pictures are the complete ownership of the photographer and cannot be reproduced or used for any other purpose without permission of the photographer. The photographer's name is indicated on the photo after the copyright symbol or Photo by. Articles are also the complete ownership of the author and can not be reproduced and used for any other purpose without the permission of the author. This website bears no responsibility for the opinions and practices mentioned on this website.


100's of Pictures!

Don't leave this site without looking at the "Gallery" and "IFGA Show Pictures" section. There are many pictures of show winners.

Check Here for New Additions

July 14, 2024 - IFGA Utah Fancy Guppy Associates Show pictures. Show held June 29-30, 2024

November 1, 2023 - IFGA Annual at Michigan Guppy Breeders Show pictures. Held October 13-15, 2023





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